Inspired by: Gâteau au fromage, sirop d'érable et pacanes | Recettes du Québec Cheesecake is known for its rich, creamy texture and strong flavors. Made with a combination of crumbly cheese and soft and decadent cream. This delicious dessert is a really appreciated by everyone. Whether served as an elegant treat at a fancy dinner party or enjoyed with a cup of coffee on a weekend morning, cheesecake has something for everyone. INGREDIENTS 2 - 250 g cream cheese packages 1 graham pie crust 1/4 cup sugar 1 1/2 tablespoons white flour 2 eggs 1/4 cup Escuminac maple syrup 1/2 cup popcorn PREPARATION STEP 1 Mix the two packages of room temperature cream cheese, sugar, flour and Escuminac maple syrup. STEP 2 Gradually incorporate the two eggs. STEP 3 Mix until smooth. STEP 4 Pour into pie crust. STEP 5 Place in 325°F oven for 45 minutes. Close oven, but leave cake in with door ajar for another 10 minutes. The center of the cake will finish freezing. STEP 7 Place in refrigerator for 4 hours. STEP 8 To complete the recipe, add the popcorn that you have previously heated on top of the cake. **To enhance the maple syrup flavor, you can add a coulis over the popcorn. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ So whatever your taste buds are craving, be sure to indulge in this incredible cheesecake today! ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________