Bulk orders

Purchase in bulk and have the products shipped directly to you, so you can wrap and gift them personally to your clients.

send it directly

Let us handle the logistics—provide the addresses, and we’ll ship each gift with white glove service, including personalization options like your company holiday card for qualifying orders.


Short on time or unsure of delivery addresses? Prepay for an e-gift, and we’ll email recipients to collect their shipping details for a seamless gifting experience.

A perfect gift

"Our company ordered from Escuminac for our corporategifts this year, and we couldn’t be happier. Not only are their products absolutely delicious—we ordered the Discovery Trio in a gift box, and it’s honestly so rich in flavor—but the presentation is immaculate. The Gift Box makes the perfect gift for anyone. Highly recommend Escuminac for their exceptional quality and beautiful packaging." -Taylor, Luv2Pak

Contact Us For Quote On Bulk Orders

We'll do the heavy lifting and help your business leave a positive, lasting impression!
Contact Our Gift Advisor Today.